Growing Deeper... Interior Examination

1. Study Guide from Waterbrook Multnomah Press.

2. Sermon from Rich Villodas on Emotional Health, preached in Oct 2021

3. New Life also has a series on “Living an Authentic Life” - Here is the playlist

4. A seminar that Pastor Chris gave during the height of the pandemic from NYC on Seeking Wisdom and Working Through Negative Emotions

1. The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery by David G. Benner
A short, engaging book on the invitation to know our true selves in Christ

2. Unwanted by Jay Stringer
A wonderful resource written specifically for those who have had a story of sexual behaviors in their life that they would like to leave behind (so kind of a bridge between the last two weeks and this week). Specific to a counseling population, but wide enough for anyone to learn how family of origin, parenting, trauma, or other dynamics form lifelong struggles in ourselves and others.

3. The Healing Path, by Dan Allender

The Place Where We Find Ourselves Podcast 
Some good insights about living a more integrated life as a Christian
