Let's Connect

Being the church doesn’t happen exclusively at church. To facilitate connection and communication within our church family, West Side will roll out an innovative ministry tool in January of 2020. Realm is an online tool that we will launch in the new year to help the church connect with you, allow you to see what is happening in the church body, and broaden your contact within West Side’s faith community.

We are shifting from a printed church directory to a secure online directory available only to our church family through Realm. It is not a social network that is open to anyone. It is a closed online directory in which you will be able to manage your personal information, modifying your profile as you wish.

Once you join West Side’s Realm directory, the world of connecting is expansive. From individual chats and mail to group communications and photo sharing of church events, you can touch base, ask questions, and respond. If you participate in any group (e.g., choir, community meals, ushering, date night), your group leader(s) can set up events on the calendar, alert you to changes, and initiate communication among participants.

Some groups have events that require registration or enlist help in serving. Rather than sending emails with endless threads and individual sign-up requests through unrelated apps, a group leader can establish a registration link in Realm. Click the link and you can put your name on a list of attendees, sign up to bring certain dishes to a function, contribute funds toward a specific event, or donate time in the kitchen – whatever the event calls for.

Later in 2020 we hope to incorporate electronic financial contributions as a Realm feature. This will allow you to access your personal record of giving and will equip you to set up recurring gifts, special gifts, and make changes to your giving at any time.

Look for more information as we approach our January 12, 2020 launch date, and let’s connect!

~ Paula Olson
Realm Launch Committee: Karol Aronson, Jamie Foulk, Noël Foulk, Greg Leddy, Paula Olson
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