Worship with Us

Join us Sunday mornings, in-person and online,
at 8:30am and 10:00am.



How does a person live without regrets? For generations Christians have claimed the that the words and images of the Bible are reliable, and used by God's Spirit to lead God's people in the way that results in life.

Join us this week to rediscover the Bible as a reliable source of God's call to abundant life.

Summer Sermon Series:

10 Essentials: Navigating Freedom

We have a love/hate relationship with rules. Click bait offering “5 Nutrition Rules You Can’t Afford to Ignore” is oddly effective. “She acts like the rules don’t apply to her” is not a compliment. Recent laws mandating the display of the 10 Commandments in classrooms has revived the debate about the secular relevance of these Ten Words situated at the center of Jewish Torah. So how do the Old Covenant rules apply for Gospel people? This summer we’re taking a second look at why the 10 Commandments remain essential to navigating the freedom secured by faith in Jesus.