MISSIONARY UPDATE: Mark and Carla Snedeker
on July 24th, 2024
Carla continues in the mission headquarters finance office in Sanford, Fl processing donations for Ethnos360 mission, its entities, and around 2,600 missionaries worldwide. Ethnos360 purpose statement "Motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Ethnos360 exists to assist the ministry of the local church through the mobilizing, equipping, and coordinating of believers to evan...  Read More
MISSIONARY UPDATE: Larry and Andrea Ciccarelli
on July 17th, 2024
Larry and Andrea Ciccarelli have worked in the Mediterranean region for over thirty years on Bible translation projects in Bedouin Arabic, Standard Arabic, Lebanese Arabic, and a number of other dialects and languages. They particularly enjoy working with local and international colleagues on new media and arts projects (chanting, calligraphy, and music, among other genres). Since 2005, Larry and ...  Read More
Young Life: Urgent Summer Camp Request
on July 11th, 2024
Have you ever considered helping at a Young Life camp? Or ever wanted to see what it was all about? This is your opportunity!We, as West Seattle Young Life, have an opportunity to help serve at Washington Family Ranch Canyon from July 14th-21st through what we're calling mini-sessions. These mini-sessions are made up of people just like you and me and they help our Summer Staff (college) and Work ...  Read More
on July 11th, 2024
Dear West Side Presbyterian,Thank you so much for all of your financial support and prayers this past year. It has been a year of jubilation, for sure! This year, I spent time working with Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship at Western Washington University. I led a small group of 14 girls and led outreaches on campus to Western students. I also took seminary-level courses, learning about theology and ...  Read More
on July 11th, 2024
Greetings West Side Members, More than 40 years ago, God directed me to the ministry of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. Not wanting to quit doing what I love, I went part-time two years ago and jettisoned 13 of my 15 western states, 2,500 of 3,000 CMDA members, and 65 of 75 medical & dental campuses. So, as long as God allows, I plan to continue serving the medicos, i.e., the physicia...  Read More
Summer Daily Readings
on June 28th, 2024
Sunday, June 30: 1 Timothy 4:11-16Monday, July 1: Psalm 119:1-8 | Exodus 20:1-17 | Mark 10:17-31Tuesday, July 2: Psalm 119:9-16 | Deuteronomy 6:1-3 | Matthew 5:17-48Wednesday, July 3: Psalm 119:17-24 | Deuteronomy 6:4-9 | Matthew 12:1-14Thursday, July 4: Psalm 119:25-32 | Deuteronomy 6:10-12 | Matthew 15:1-9Friday, July 5: Psalm 119:33-40 | Deuteronomy 6:13-19 | Matthew 22:34-40Saturday, July 6: P...  Read More
Food Bank Fundraiser
on June 20th, 2024
The White Center Food Bank, one of our community partners, is hosting the 3rd Annual Taste of White Center benefiting the food bank.  With 30+ restaurants participating, attendees purchase $5 tickets to try a variety of foods like banh mi sandwiches, bubble tea, Indian fry bread tacos, and much more. Iconic restaurants like Puffy Pandy, Tomo, El Catrín, and others are ready to serve up amazing bit...  Read More
Meet Jovie, Our Summer Youth Intern
on June 20th, 2024
My name is Jovie Webbeking and I’m excited to announce that I will be the Youth Summer Intern here at West Side! I wanted to introduce myself so you could get to know me a little bit better.A favorite Summer activity of mine is going to the beach with a good book for the afternoon. I also enjoy taking the time to be a tourist of Seattle, whether it be having a picnic at the UW arboretum or getting...  Read More
Food Bank for VBS
on June 12th, 2024
At VBS this year, the mission the kids will be learning about is Food Banks! We will be learning about food insecurity and what we can do to help others in our community. To go along with this, we will be gathering donations for the White Center Food bank all week at VBS. We would love to have you join us! You can bring items on Sunday (6/24 or 6/30) or donate by scanning the QR code.Food Items:Ca...  Read More
Welcome New Elder and Deacons
on June 11th, 2024
Sunday, June 9,  we ordained and installed the new elders and deacons elected by the congregation. Please include them in your prayers for the leaders here at West Side. We are grateful for their willingness to serve....  Read More
Letter from Jubilee Centre
on June 7th, 2024
Hello Dr. Brenner and West Side Presbyterian Church,I pray this letter finds you and your congregation in good spirits. I received a letter from Dr. Bramlett informing me of the great news that is coming from your church. I wish you could see me dancing on the other side of this email because I am so grateful to your church for all your prayers for Jubilee Centre and your decision to officially jo...  Read More
Views of West Side
on May 15th, 2024
Calling all visual and fiber artists. The church’s Create! Group is putting together an exhibition of art this fall and we welcome any and all West Siders to create a piece for the show. Visual and fiber arts encourage us to draw near to God in our worship and see God’s grace and image in the people of our fellowship community. Exodus 35 describes how God’s Spirit fills people with wisdom, knowled...  Read More




