For such a time as this... Mask Making

By Blythe Meigs
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected our community in many ways. Liz Bolling, seamstress extraordinaire, found herself with time on her hands after being furloughed from her job at Nordstrom Bridal. Two weeks ago, she heard on the news that healthcare workers were in need of washable masks to help their hospital issued masks last longer. Then the CDC recommended people wear masks in public - God spoke to Liz in her dreams that night that she should make masks - so Saturday morning, April 4, Liz obediently ordered mask kits first thing in the morning. While she was out of work, she trusted that if she bought the kits, God would provide. She sent out a text to her small group at 8:19 am Saturday morning "I am going to start sewing masks." Next thing she knew she had offers of fabric and helpers.
In less than two weeks, Liz has sewed over 100 masks! And these are beautiful, pleated fabric masks in fun colors and patterns. It is a time intensive process requiring washing and ironing of new fabric, cutting, sewing, sanitizing and ironing. The reason Liz could sew so many masks is that she had a team of helpers that stepped up to the plate to do the non-sewing tasks including Shelley B, Chris H, Kristy J, Kathleen K, Blythe M, Kristin P, Cari S, Desta A, and Stephanie & mom.
She originally envisioned the masks being for healthcare workers, but it has expanded well beyond that. It has been a personal way to touch people - providing masks to be shared with friends, neighbors and healthcare workers. Liz is awed at how something like the Covid-19 virus is bringing us together in ways we would never have dreamed. For example, when Liz ordered fabric from Britex (a small shop in San Francisco), the owner was so touched that someone from Seattle would go to the effort to support their small business while doing such a worthwhile project that she personally called Liz to thank her! As one of her helpers, I can say helping with washing, ironing, cutting and material delivery has been a blast and I have blessed several friends and neighbors with these wonderful masks.
If you want to help, text Liz Bolling 206-427-4716 (too busy for voicemail). Will gladly take donations to help pay for materials and if there are funds left over, will donate to the Deacon fund.
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected our community in many ways. Liz Bolling, seamstress extraordinaire, found herself with time on her hands after being furloughed from her job at Nordstrom Bridal. Two weeks ago, she heard on the news that healthcare workers were in need of washable masks to help their hospital issued masks last longer. Then the CDC recommended people wear masks in public - God spoke to Liz in her dreams that night that she should make masks - so Saturday morning, April 4, Liz obediently ordered mask kits first thing in the morning. While she was out of work, she trusted that if she bought the kits, God would provide. She sent out a text to her small group at 8:19 am Saturday morning "I am going to start sewing masks." Next thing she knew she had offers of fabric and helpers.
In less than two weeks, Liz has sewed over 100 masks! And these are beautiful, pleated fabric masks in fun colors and patterns. It is a time intensive process requiring washing and ironing of new fabric, cutting, sewing, sanitizing and ironing. The reason Liz could sew so many masks is that she had a team of helpers that stepped up to the plate to do the non-sewing tasks including Shelley B, Chris H, Kristy J, Kathleen K, Blythe M, Kristin P, Cari S, Desta A, and Stephanie & mom.
She originally envisioned the masks being for healthcare workers, but it has expanded well beyond that. It has been a personal way to touch people - providing masks to be shared with friends, neighbors and healthcare workers. Liz is awed at how something like the Covid-19 virus is bringing us together in ways we would never have dreamed. For example, when Liz ordered fabric from Britex (a small shop in San Francisco), the owner was so touched that someone from Seattle would go to the effort to support their small business while doing such a worthwhile project that she personally called Liz to thank her! As one of her helpers, I can say helping with washing, ironing, cutting and material delivery has been a blast and I have blessed several friends and neighbors with these wonderful masks.
If you want to help, text Liz Bolling 206-427-4716 (too busy for voicemail). Will gladly take donations to help pay for materials and if there are funds left over, will donate to the Deacon fund.
Posted in Engage Our Community