Come Hear the Good News

“Would you like to go to church with us on Easter?”
I was surprised that one small question caused me so much anxiety. I had gotten to know Brad at a weekly ultimate frisbee game and thought he and his family might enjoy attending our Easter Sunday service, but I hesitated to ask him. I wondered if I would offend him, if it would strain our relationship, if he would be turned off that I was a Christian, or if we would enter into a big theological debate. But when I finally got the courage to ask him, he simply said: “Maybe. I have never been to church on Easter. I’ll ask my wife.” He ended up joining me for Easter and several services after that. And we had many good conversations about faith in Christ.
Many people visit a church because someone asks them. And people are often more open to going to church during Christmas and Easter seasons than other times of the year. So, this is the season for you to think about asking a neighbor, friend, or family member to attend a Holy week or Easter service with you.
The ‘why’ for asking someone to church is simply because the gospel of Jesus Christ is good news. Christ is good news for us and our families, and for others, and the world as well. So, inviting someone to church is simply inviting them to hear good news. And possibly to become a part of a community that is seeking to receive and live out good news in Jesus Christ.
The ’how’ for asking someone to church is easy: begin by simply praying that God would give you the courage to ask and that those you would invite would experience the grace of God in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit as they worship and interact with the community. And then go and ask someone. We have invitation cards available that you could share with neighbors, friends, and family, (pick some up on Sunday) and also you could direct people to the church’s social media* or website. A personal invitation is always most effective. And after that you simply trust that God will do his work.
It is the most natural thing to share when you have received some good news, so take the step to invite someone to hear the good news this Easter!
*West Side is on both Facebook and Instagram:
I was surprised that one small question caused me so much anxiety. I had gotten to know Brad at a weekly ultimate frisbee game and thought he and his family might enjoy attending our Easter Sunday service, but I hesitated to ask him. I wondered if I would offend him, if it would strain our relationship, if he would be turned off that I was a Christian, or if we would enter into a big theological debate. But when I finally got the courage to ask him, he simply said: “Maybe. I have never been to church on Easter. I’ll ask my wife.” He ended up joining me for Easter and several services after that. And we had many good conversations about faith in Christ.
Many people visit a church because someone asks them. And people are often more open to going to church during Christmas and Easter seasons than other times of the year. So, this is the season for you to think about asking a neighbor, friend, or family member to attend a Holy week or Easter service with you.
The ‘why’ for asking someone to church is simply because the gospel of Jesus Christ is good news. Christ is good news for us and our families, and for others, and the world as well. So, inviting someone to church is simply inviting them to hear good news. And possibly to become a part of a community that is seeking to receive and live out good news in Jesus Christ.
The ’how’ for asking someone to church is easy: begin by simply praying that God would give you the courage to ask and that those you would invite would experience the grace of God in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit as they worship and interact with the community. And then go and ask someone. We have invitation cards available that you could share with neighbors, friends, and family, (pick some up on Sunday) and also you could direct people to the church’s social media* or website. A personal invitation is always most effective. And after that you simply trust that God will do his work.
It is the most natural thing to share when you have received some good news, so take the step to invite someone to hear the good news this Easter!
*West Side is on both Facebook and Instagram: