Preaching Forgiveness & Reconciliation Conference & Mark Abbott Lecture

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 | 8:30am
Join us for a special all-day conference. The conference will take place at First Free Methodist Church (right by SPU’s campus) from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, with a public lecture following the conference at 6:00 PM. Our Keynote Speaker for the conference and evening lecture is Rev. Dr. Joy J. Moore, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and the Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. We will have an additional keynote message from Rev. Dr. Scott Dudley, Senior Pastor at Bellevue Presbyterian Church, preaching from Rev. Peter Chin, Senior Pastor at Rainer Avenue Church, and a panel discussion framed by Rev. Michael Thomas, Senior Pastor at Radiant Church. Additional breakouts will be led by Dr. Stephen Newby and Rev. Ashley Skinner Creek.
Registration Details HERE
Conference Schedule
8:30 AM – Coffee, Snacks, and Check-In
9:00 AM – Welcome, Worship, and Keynote, “Preaching from a Flawed Legacy” by Joy Moore
10:00 AM – Breakout #1
Ashley Skinner-Creek -Title Pending
Mike Thomas - Title Pending
Scott Dudley - "Preaching and Practicing Forgiveness"
11:00 AM – Break
11:10 AM – Chapel & Keynote, “Reconciliation and Revival: the Centrality of the Holy Spirit's Role in the Work of Reconciliation” by Peter Chin
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Breakout #2
Peter Chin - “From Mass Shootings, Riots, to Insurrections: Leading Congregational Response to Turmoil and Tragedy”
Joy J. Moore - “Preaching Forgiveness in the Old Testament”
Stephen Newby - “Singing Reconciliation”
2:00 PM – Break
2:15 PM – Panel on Forgiveness & Racial Reconciliation (all presenters)
3:15 PM – Large Group, Keynote #2 – “Preaching the Story of Forgiveness” - Scott Dudley
4:00 PM – Break for Dinner
6:00 PM – Mark Abbott Lecture on Preaching, "Preaching Forgiveness in an Age of Contempt” by Joy J. Moore
9:00 AM – Welcome, Worship, and Keynote, “Preaching from a Flawed Legacy” by Joy Moore
10:00 AM – Breakout #1
Ashley Skinner-Creek -Title Pending
Mike Thomas - Title Pending
Scott Dudley - "Preaching and Practicing Forgiveness"
11:00 AM – Break
11:10 AM – Chapel & Keynote, “Reconciliation and Revival: the Centrality of the Holy Spirit's Role in the Work of Reconciliation” by Peter Chin
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Breakout #2
Peter Chin - “From Mass Shootings, Riots, to Insurrections: Leading Congregational Response to Turmoil and Tragedy”
Joy J. Moore - “Preaching Forgiveness in the Old Testament”
Stephen Newby - “Singing Reconciliation”
2:00 PM – Break
2:15 PM – Panel on Forgiveness & Racial Reconciliation (all presenters)
3:15 PM – Large Group, Keynote #2 – “Preaching the Story of Forgiveness” - Scott Dudley
4:00 PM – Break for Dinner
6:00 PM – Mark Abbott Lecture on Preaching, "Preaching Forgiveness in an Age of Contempt” by Joy J. Moore