2023 Christmas Eve Offering

This special offering on Christmas Eve is received each year for special projects or programs that our missionaries have requested, that would enhance or meet needs in their ministries.
If you are unable to join us Christmas Eve, you can donate online or send a check with "Christmas Eve Offering" in the memo line.
If you are unable to join us Christmas Eve, you can donate online or send a check with "Christmas Eve Offering" in the memo line.
- Vic and Leslie Trautwein
Dental care for 850 children. Kids Alive, Dominican Republic. $3000
- Larry and Andrea Ciccarelli
Printing True Meaning Arabic Study Bible for Middle East. $1800
- Bruce and Christy Graham
Translation of 7 key stories from Genesis into Urdu. $900
- Tom and Bernice Speckhardt
Russian translation and printing of Life in Motion Study Bible for youth. $1200
- Andrew and Dorciane Toth
Support for indigenous missionaries in High Sierra, Mexico. $900
- Sensitive missionaries in Asia
Teaching Godly Marriage course. $1400
- Brad and Ashlee Kuske
Translating Waha, the Disciple Making App into Khmer, Cambodia. $750
- Michael and Oetje Madany
Teleprompter for media studio in Addis Ababa. $600