Letter from Jubilee Centre

Hello Dr. Brenner and West Side Presbyterian Church,

I pray this letter finds you and your congregation in good spirits. I received a letter from Dr. Bramlett informing me of the great news that is coming from your church. I wish you could see me dancing on the other side of this email because I am so grateful to your church for all your prayers for Jubilee Centre and your decision to officially join us in partnership.

I understand what it takes to choose a new partner and I am thankful for you allowing the Spirit to guide you throughout the decision-making process.

Your support couldn’t have come at a better time because as an organization, we are responding to a drought for the first time since our inception in 1999 and it is certainly unchartered territory. There is so much need for good leadership during this period and we know your support will go a long way in training many leaders and helping them with practical tools to circumnavigate the situation that has befallen us.

I shared the great news with my senior staff and we are convinced that He is a wonder- working God because the amount took us all back and Dr. Bramlett was equally in awe of your generosity. We know God will bless this newly formed relationship and we trust that both the folks in your church and the communities we serve will continue to appreciate how God works through the global church to bring glory to His name.

Our next step will be to sit with my team and work on an activity forecast that will inform our calendar and we hope to share that with you soon so that you see what areas of focus you can continue praying with us about and you can join us with excitement as we trust the Lord to bless many people of Zambia through your sacrifice.

Please extend my gratitude to your entire leadership and congregation and I know we are all excited to see what God does through this seed of friendship that has been sown between West Side and JC. Thank you again so much and may He continue to bless your sacrificial hands and extend your capacity to serve in Seattle and far far beyond.

Faithfully, David Temfwe
Director, Jubilee Centre