MISSIONARY UPDATE: Bruce and Christy Graham

Bruce: I work with a group of Indian leaders each week, both in north and south India, who are focused on major unreached populations. Many of these guys are mid-life leaders looking for fresh restoration of foundations for their second half of life ministry. We call it the 2HC collaborative within Frontier Ventures. We’re grounding them in the whole Biblical Story and Spiritual formation disciplines. We’re translating these teaching into Tamil and Hindi/Urdu. We’re creating videos and curriculum that these men can run with in the days ahead. Each group commits to a 1-year process.
Christy: continues to work with the School of Supernatural ministry (a collaborative project with Frontier Ventures). She’s involved in curriculum development and training. She works with people in international contexts that need spiritual insight and restoration in environments very hostile to Christianity.
Christy: continues to work with the School of Supernatural ministry (a collaborative project with Frontier Ventures). She’s involved in curriculum development and training. She works with people in international contexts that need spiritual insight and restoration in environments very hostile to Christianity.