Michael Madany—part of the New Life Media Team
The purpose of New Life Media is to provide Somali-language resources that communicate the Gospel in a clear, relevant way via satellite TV, social media & websites. The audience is encouraged to contact us so that our NLM team can build relationships to help individuals understand the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus Christ and (whenever possible) become part of a local church. The main response to this media ministry comes from the Somali heartland on the Horn of Africa. Most Somalis live in lands where communicating the Christian faith is strictly forbidden.
The New Life Media team has its main office in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Michael Madany functions as Project Support Advisor from his home office in Renton. His tasks include assisting with website content, database for contacts, reporting, donor relations and global networking.
New Life Media uses these main platforms to penetrate the barriers that prevent most Somalis from encountering the Good News of Jesus Christ:
Somali Christian Women: https://www.facebook.com/SomaliChristianWomen/
Somali Gospel TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/dualebe/videos
Nolosha Cusub: https://noloshacusub.com/
The purpose of New Life Media is to provide Somali-language resources that communicate the Gospel in a clear, relevant way via satellite TV, social media & websites. The audience is encouraged to contact us so that our NLM team can build relationships to help individuals understand the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus Christ and (whenever possible) become part of a local church. The main response to this media ministry comes from the Somali heartland on the Horn of Africa. Most Somalis live in lands where communicating the Christian faith is strictly forbidden.
The New Life Media team has its main office in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Michael Madany functions as Project Support Advisor from his home office in Renton. His tasks include assisting with website content, database for contacts, reporting, donor relations and global networking.
New Life Media uses these main platforms to penetrate the barriers that prevent most Somalis from encountering the Good News of Jesus Christ:
Somali Christian Women: https://www.facebook.com/SomaliChristianWomen/
Somali Gospel TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/dualebe/videos
Nolosha Cusub: https://noloshacusub.com/