Renewal Ministries Prayer Retreat

Renewal Ministries is offering a teaching retreat on prayer, A Life of Prayer In Uncertain Times: Lessons from the Saints, on November 2, 9:30am-2:30pm, at the Peace and Spirituality Center in Bellevue.
A teacher of the history of Christian Spirituality, Dr. Hindmarsh took his D.Phil. degree in theology at Oxford University in 1993. He has since published and spoken widely to international audiences on the history of early British evangelicalism.
He speaks often to lay audiences as well as preaching in his own church and elsewhere. A former staff worker for Youth for Christ and an active lay member of an Anglican Church, he is married to Carolyn, and they have three children: Bethany, Matthew and Sam.

Sessions during this retreat will include:
  • Gregory the Great: When my World feels like it’s collapsing, how do I follow God?
  • Teresa of Avila: “How do you find inner freedom when life has become oppressive?
  • John Newton: Amazing Grace in a Broken World
  • Viewing of the film “The Amazing Story of Amazing Grace”.  A film documenting the life of John Newton
  • Q&A afterwards