Remember to Bless Big this Week!

I was 23 years old, sitting in the kitchen with Norwegian cousins from the same generation as my grandparents. These dear, distant family members shared their memories of care packages sent from family in the States during the war. The impact of these gifts was far greater than their modest contents. My cousins described, with tears in their eyes, the encouragement of knowing that they were not alone or forgotten during those difficult times. Those stories, alongside my own experiences visiting and learning from global partners, compel me to give generously to bless Christian brothers and sisters in our global family.
We know that God is able to use these tangible but limited gifts of funding to encourage and bless in tangible and unlimited ways. This is why we send funds through Bless Big Global to global mission partners serving in Ukraine, Nigeria, Kenya, the Dominican Republic and 17 countries around the globe. I hope that you will take a few moments to follow these links to our website and learn what God is doing to encourage, liberate and build up lives in these places.
As you head into Memorial Day weekend, please remember to send in your Bless Big Global offering. You can give online through the website or mail your check to the church (instructions for giving can be found here). The Session has allocated up to $75,000 in matching funds for these donations. So far in May we have received $63,000. Wouldn’t it be exciting to see our generosity exceed the $75,000 challenge set by Session before our May 28 (Pentecost) deadline for matching donations!
Thank you for continuing to express your worship and thanks to God through your generous gifts to the work of God's people here in Seattle and around the world.
In Christ,
Pastor Laurie
We know that God is able to use these tangible but limited gifts of funding to encourage and bless in tangible and unlimited ways. This is why we send funds through Bless Big Global to global mission partners serving in Ukraine, Nigeria, Kenya, the Dominican Republic and 17 countries around the globe. I hope that you will take a few moments to follow these links to our website and learn what God is doing to encourage, liberate and build up lives in these places.
As you head into Memorial Day weekend, please remember to send in your Bless Big Global offering. You can give online through the website or mail your check to the church (instructions for giving can be found here). The Session has allocated up to $75,000 in matching funds for these donations. So far in May we have received $63,000. Wouldn’t it be exciting to see our generosity exceed the $75,000 challenge set by Session before our May 28 (Pentecost) deadline for matching donations!
Thank you for continuing to express your worship and thanks to God through your generous gifts to the work of God's people here in Seattle and around the world.
In Christ,
Pastor Laurie