Posts with the category “kids”

Reverse Advent Calendar
by Noël Foulk on November 30th, 2023
Often an Advent calendar is used to count down the days until Christmas by opening a box and discovering an ornament or something that helps you focus on the Advent journey. A reverse Advent calendar focuses on giving something instead of receiving – a Christ centered idea indeed – since Christmas is all about God giving himself to us as a baby.The idea behind a reverse Advent calendar is simple. ...  Read More
Calling All Moms of Teens
by Noël Foulk on October 5th, 2023
Parenting kids into adults through middle school, puberty, and high school demands a whole new level of motherhood. Our kids are changing. We are changing. What worked before doesn't work anymore. The decisions they make have real consequences. It's painful to see them differentiate. It's amazing to see them grow. It's all overwhelming. Gain connection and support alongside other Moms of Teens wit...  Read More
VBS is Coming!
by Noël Foulk on June 8th, 2023
By Stacy KutzFamilies and Youth Director What is your VBS story? As I am planning Vacation Bible School, I find myself reflecting back over my personal history with VBS. I remember days filled with singing songs, playing games, making crafts, eating silly food, and learning about God. My husband Dan fondly recalls the rigorous memory work program he participated in at West Side’s VBS. Starting in...  Read More
Meet Erika - Our Children's Assistant!
by Noël Foulk on March 29th, 2023
Hi, I’m Erika and you will normally see me somewhere with the kids on Sunday mornings!I grew up attending West Side, participating in Sunday school and VBS. And I went to school in the Arbor Heights/ White center area. I went to college at the University of Idaho which was a bit of a culture shock after attending Evergreen High School, though I enjoyed the small-town atmosphere. I’ve always loved ...  Read More
Address Rebellion with Love
by Stacy Kutz on September 3rd, 2020
(From; Parenting Christian Kids Newsletter) After a summer of “freedom” and relaxed rules, September’s return to school and schedules often poses a challenge for children. On top of that, 2020 has been filled with new restrictions and limits that are tough for everyone to comply with and comprehend.As the pandemic drags on, kids are likely to have more questions about why they need t...  Read More
by Stacy Kutz on September 2nd, 2020
We just finished our first virtual VBS! We used a super fun program called Faith Labs @ Home. It's an at home VBS with five sessions - once you signed up you had access to all sessions. This allowed parents to work it into their schedule, instead of scheduling around it. West Side chose to implement it with one session each Monday in August but because parents had access to each session they didn’...  Read More
What Can I do?
by Stacy Kutz on July 2nd, 2020
We are grieved. As a ministry and as parents, we grieve the painful consequences of prolonged racial division and inequality in our country. We recognize that all parents are created uniquely by God, and it hurts us to see that our fellow parents are being made to feel less because of their skin color. God will not stand for racism, and neither should we.Parents, please know that now more than eve...  Read More
Who is my Neighbor?
by Stacy Kutz on July 2nd, 2020
In Luke 10:25, a legal expert asks Jesus about the path to eternal life. Jesus tells him to follow the two greatest commandments—love God and love your neighbors. Yet the man presses for more detail, following up by asking “And who is my neighbor?” (verse 29). Then Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan, teaching that neighbors can be anyone, not just people who look, act, and believe as we...  Read More
When Summer Feels Like Every Other Day
by Stacy Kutz on July 2nd, 2020
I was looking through picture albums over the past few weeks. Joshua and Jess are expecting and I’m going to be a Nana (or Mimi? feel free to vote) in a little over a month! Anyway, we were planning a slide show for a virtual shower and I needed to send pictures of Joshua. I got caught up in the memories and a simple project took me hours!I, like many of you I’m sure, took pictures of my kids stan...  Read More




