Joy & Connections
on March 27th, 2020
Happiness depends on happenings;joy depends on Christ. I was filled with joy by images of some of our oldest and youngest members this week (photos below). Three are of Bill and Lois Batts. In a Facebook post the staff at the Kenney reported that they "are making the most of these times with a little creativity. Although they live in different buildings and cannot visit each other hand-in-hand, t... Read More
Joy & Forgiveness
on March 26th, 2020
Joy is that deep settled confidencethat God is in control of every area of my life. – Paul Sailhamer This morning’s reflection is so simple, so central, and impossible without God’s grace.Forgiveness is the essential ingredient to joy. Not “an” essential element – “the” essential ingredient. Resentment or shame are joy killers.Rem... Read More
Joy & Dragons
on March 25th, 2020
If it seems a childish thing to do,do it in remembrance that you are a child. – Frederick Buechner There is a saying in theater – never share the stage with children or animals. On Sunday Ben, who sings in the choir and also has a goldendoodle, shared a video of his dog running with full enthusiasm up the stairs and hallways of his apartment buildin... Read More
Joy & Gratitude
on March 24th, 2020
When was the last time you laughed for the sheer joy of your salvation?People are not attracted to somber doctrines.There is no persuasive power in a gloomy and morbid religion.Let the world see your joy and you won't be able to keep them away.To be filled with God is to be filled with joy. – Anonymous I’m not su... Read More
Joy, The Fourth Week of Lent
on March 23rd, 2020
Where others see but the dawn coming over the hill, I see the soul of God shouting for joy.—William Blake The fourth Sunday in Lent is my favorite. It is Laetare Sunday. Laetare means "Rejoice" in Latin. In Catholic tradition, the short chant that is sung prior to the Eucharist on the 4th Sunday is from Isaiah 66:10-11, which begins Laetare, Jerusalem, which means "Rejoice, O Jerusalem." The pass... Read More
Compline at St Mark’s
on March 21st, 2020
from Anthony Spain, Music DirectorEvery Sunday evening at 9:30pm a service takes place in Seattle that includes mostly music from hundreds of years ago. Not the mega-hit one would expect today, and this service would largely be forgotten were it not for the fact that not only is the church packed out each Sunday with people of all ages, but that the predominate age of those attending this service ... Read More
Morning Devotion - March 19
on March 20th, 2020
Today's mediation invites you to consider Artist David Hockney's painting released this week: "Do remember they can't cancel the spring" as you read Jesus' words from the sermon on the mount. (link to image)Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?… Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory wa... Read More
Sure Confidence
on March 19th, 2020
If you are following my 5 Psalms / 1 Proverb a day trick, we are on Psalms 91-95 and Proverbs 19.Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.Elder Blythe Meigs reflections in this time seem a great fit for our morning readings. Blythe writes:As I consider the current events and what t... Read More
Morning Devotion for March 18
on March 18th, 2020
As we keep our eyes on the future, trusting God's faithfulness, elder Dee West shared this reading and verses:from Jesus Always, Embracing Joy in HIs Presence by Sarah Young."DO NOT DWELL ON THE PAST, beloved. You can learn from the past, but don’t let it become your focus. You cannot undo things that have already occurred, no matter how much you may yearn to do so. Instead of wishing for the impo... Read More
Morning Devotion for March 17
on March 17th, 2020
Good morning friends,It has been a tumultuous few days, and I am finding that even with the spiritual practices in place of Scripture before phone, and limiting how often I check the latest news I am struggling to resist anxiety and unrest. So this morning we turn to two Psalms that elder Russ Dow relies on. Russ writes:“Here are my short verses: Psalm 91:1,2: Those who live in the shelter of the ... Read More
Monday, The Third Week of Lent
on March 15th, 2020
ResistanceWith so much change happening so rapidly in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, it is hard not to feel some resistance to the social distancing measures being encouraged and enforced. I am encountering surprising pockets of resistance in my own soul! All of this brings to mind the word from Isaiah 30:15: For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: in returning and rest you... Read More
Come to the Quiet
on March 14th, 2020
We hope you are able to rest today in God's faithful provision. Anthony Spain suggested our devotional today. It is John Michael Talbot's song "Come to the Quiet." It can be used listen to while doing devotions, or just by listening to it, it can be a devotion on its own. Link: 131A song of ascents. Of David.1 My heart is not proud, Lord,my eyes are not haughty;I... Read More